Tuesday 20 May, 2008

Ok I'm half asleep… but this post needs to be written. I'm going to dedicate it to three people…

Who also happen to be the three people who are most likely to read this… no that’s not the only reason I like them… being part of my readership merely enhances their natural appeal…

First, to P… Happy Birthday! I'm saying it now because I'll be fast asleep when the time actually comes. I hope you're having a blast. I'm guessing the revelry includes large quantities of alcohol and other intoxicants I haven't quite made friends with yet. That and loud music. To which I hope you're dancing… don't worry, you don't look funny when you dance.
Have fun old friend… and don't forget to brush J

Next, to PPP… Pooch, The Original. Tomorrow, I embark for Samirpur. Yes the "mendak" is returning to her "chhota sa kuaan". I plan to bury myself in my recently procured collection of childrens' books. To rehearse for when you do indeed surrender your body to so "noble" a cause. Ghanshyam is eagerly awaiting our arrival, about as eager as an incredibly sullen person can be. Oh and Sher 'Schumacher' Singh is coming to pick us up when we disembark! There is much mindless TV to be watched and countless naps to be taken. But it won't be the same without you. Awww (the way I say it).
Hope you're back to your social butterfly ways. I need to exist vicariously for a bit so please get a life post haste…
Also, I owe you a detailed account of my recent adventures. Shall pen them when I'm feeling particularly poetic. And I'll give you a heads up too.

And last… to Pooch, The Recent (and desperately in need of an alternative pseudonym). You vanquished the odious army of auditors without them so much as stepping on your doorstep! Hope the work gods treat you well, that all the necessary resources come flooding in without too much of a fight and that the loud lion hearted primate keeps his meddling paws to himself. Fret not the impending arrival of the long haired Neanderthal (he's got a haircut by the way). For what its worth, I think… no no correction… I know he is a fool and a gas bag and an ugly one too…
If things happen to teeter precariously on the edge of bearability, give BB a buzz. All ears at your service.

1 comment:

Perakath said...

Thanks ma'am :) No loud music, no dancing, and no illegal intoxicants. But you're forgiven for guessing that! Won't forget your gift pack for a while...