Djiggy B has what is possibly the biggest most generous heart in the whole wide world. It is full to the brim, bursting at its seams, chock full.. of niceness.
In the world of bosses, he is an outlier..
You'd think life would be a bed of roses for his subordinates. But very few people realise how trying the lives of people endowed with pleasant bosses (we are a rare and dying breed) can be. How fraught with anxiety. Hours of guilty introspection. Sleepless nights of worry and woe.
Nice bosses pose a unique challenge for us drone folk. They are easier to like, infinitely harder to bitch about and almost impossible to lie to. And really what is life without the occasional vituperative chinwag concerning the powers that be?
I'm playing truant today, my absence blamed on a particularly acute case of the common cold+high temperature (my diagnosis: viral fever). In my defence, I did wake up feeling like my limbs were about to disintegrate into dust. And I have off late metamorphosed into a factory of phlegm and snot. But none of this is so debilitating as to necessitate bed-rest followed by a lengthy convalescence.
So I lied. And am probably going to go to hell or reside in close vicinity thereof. Because I lied to an absolute angel. Who reeks of goodness and stinks of mothers' love. Yuck.
Damn them Antibodies
I really despise my immune system sometimes. It is forever in overdrive. I almost never ever fall ill. And this robs me of cheap thrills such as - fainting, burning up, vomiting and the like. Not that ailment is pleasurable in of itself. But the sympathy that accompanies it is fun.
Really this being in the pink of health is highly overrated. There's never anyone rushing up with bowls full of warm soup. And no ice cold towels to douse a flaming forehead. No one stirring up tall glasses of electral. Life is cruelly robbed of a lot of drama.
Once you acquire a reputation for never falling ill things are even worse. Even a genuine onslaught of the odd case of loosies or sniffles (I am healthy, not invincible) is looked upon with scepticism. We are forced to nurse our maladies, trifling or otherwise, under the suspicious gaze of others who are not similarly gifted.
I think I'm going to start a support group.
Ok enough whining. The day is all mine and there is loads to do with it. I am after all in Mumbai. A place where it is virtually impossible to run out of things to do and/or things to stare at. I am armed with a newspaper, sports shoes, money and ALL the time in the WORLD.
I suddenly remembered the reason for my shameless fib. Here I go :)
Diagnosis, not prognosis.
I skipped college today too, to get out of a presentation I wasn't ready for. Sigh.
ah.. ok.. shall make the change..
sure am glad your parents are doctors :)
you know. i wish the post had gone on for longer..
a bit endlessly..
aw.. thanks..
makes me want to go back to my compulsive blogging days..
wait till the comp comes.. you may hear from me more often..
(p.s. its on its way {the laptop}.. so excited!!)
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